Action planning meeting

OHSU’s is unwilling to put a single dollar into postdoc negotiations and their actions are telling us that they want to implement the current status quo or force our union into a strike.

We are calling an URGENT meeting to discuss an escalated action plan.

Wednesday, 13th – 12 PM


AFSCME Staff will be available to answer any questions.

Why are we holding this meeting?

  • OHSU is only agreeing to the bare minimum required of them by the law.

  • OHSU can implement their status quo proposal 45 days after April 16th.

  • OHSU’s status quo proposal means ZERO pay increase,1099’s for granted postdocs, NO visa support, 40% less vacation than all employees/grads, ZERO childcare support, ZERO DEI initiatives, ZERO improvements to benefits, Veiled threat of layoffs.

  • OHSU’s actions are disrespectful and show they intend to exploit/marginalize us.

  • OHSU is forcing us into escalated actions and the last resort of a strike is not off the table.

  • Our March 20th Rally will be the last nice ask to negotiate a fair contract.

  • The best way to avoid a strike is to prepare for one.

  • Doing nothing is not an option.

Why are escalated actions necessary? Because they work, when a university tries to bully their postdocs, grads, and researchers:

OHSU is bullying postdocs into reaching an unfavorable agreement that will have lasting impacts on postdocs and academic science. The primary goal of this meeting is to strategize and enhance our collective action in response to the current position taken by OHSU. We will discuss the mediation process, and escalating our actions. Let’s show OHSU we are not backing down.

In solidarity,

Postdoc Workers United