
How does OHSU's last offer compare?

**** Read carefully – your participation is necessary ****

Dear Postdoc Workers United Members,

Postdoc Rally for Research

OHSU called for mediation with an insulting ZERO COST economic offer and NO impr

**Please read carefully**

Our bargaining team heard from you and your colleagues that OHSU’s current behavior is unacceptable with more than 87% in favor of authorizing a strike. Our team’s assessment is that a strike vote will pass and is the necessary next step in reaching a contract with OHSU.

Why are postdocs ready to strike?

  1. OHSU is not negotiating with us on key economic issues.

  2. OHSU is prioritizing billions of dollars into acquisitions, bonuses and executive payouts.

  3. OHSU is using layoffs to dissuade union support.

To make a long story short: OHSU’s bargaining team walked out of mediation today. They rejected the entirety of our outstanding proposals. They do not have a counter. They have not scheduled another session.

Mediation ended abruptly after we exchanged proposals on International Rights, Benefits, Wages, Time Off, DEI, and Strikes and Lockouts. OHSU proposed a 5-year contract with no guaranteed pay increases, and made movement only by offering up to $5,000 to cover visa fees for international postdocs and providing a computer for every postdoc. Despite this insulting offer, we spent four hours carefully considering our own concessions (in childcare stipends, travel reimbursements, and pilot funding for postdocs from underrepresented backgrounds, and wage minima), to demonstrate our willingness to negotiate in good faith and to foreground the cost of living increases that we all need. However, after receiving our proposals, OHSU rejected everything in its entirety.

We are not done bargaining, but OHSU needs to hear your voices: the voices of the postdoctoral researchers who make science happen at OHSU. Any movement that happens from here will happen because of the actions we take as a group. We know that you’ve probably read Peter Barr-Gillespe’s budget forecast about “making difficult choices about what we invest in.” They have made it clear that the researchers who conduct the highest levels of science at OHSU are not in their investment list. We are going to continue fighting to get you a fair contract and have events planned to show OHSU that researchers here know what we are worth. We are calling on ALL postdocs to join us at an urgent rally (details below) at Mac Hall next Wednesday.

Rally for Research

OHSU won't move from their ZERO cost proposals stating that the status quo is how OHSU has historically treated postdocs and they are now calling for mediation.

Join the Postdocs at the Mac Hall Fountain on March 20th at noon.

This session made significant progress to non-economic issues as we  countered modified operations and we reached a tentative agreement (details below). The biggest win from our previous tentative agreements and these articles is that postdocs will no longer be at will employees and have clearer communication over their job expectations! 

Below is a summary of the tentative agreements:

OHSU’s is unwilling to put a single dollar into postdoc negotiations and their actions are telling us that they want to implement the current status quo or force our union into a strike.

We are calling an URGENT meeting to discuss an escalated action plan.

Wednesday, 13th – 12 PM

Your bargaining team (Bteam) met with management on Tuesday, February 27th to discuss the following a package of related proposals:

OHSU’s Counter Package Proposal:

  • Appointments — Guaranteeing a 1 year appointment without layoff and a minimum 1 year reappointment unless mutually agreed on by postdoc and advisor. Reappointments are subject to loss of funding layoffs. 

OHSU executives told us to send our questions and concerns to them about there position to NOT SUPPORT THEIR RESEARCH MISSION. Join our letter campaign to send them a message.

>> Support the PWU bargaining team - send OHSU executives a message <<