Bargaining Update for 9/26/23

Your PWU Bargaining Team (BTeam) met with OHSU’s representatives on Tuesday, September 26 for their second bargaining session. We had a productive meeting where both teams brought articles to the table. 10 articles have been proposed, and our BTeam has altogether reached tentative agreements (TAs) on 5 of them with OHSU management, including: 

  1. Preamble – Sets the tone and intent of the Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA)

  2. Savings Clause – Ensures the rest of the CBA is valid if a part is struck down by the courts or legislation

  3. Union Security & Dues Deductions – Introduces proper deductions and records for dues paying members of our Union.

  4. Management Rights – Lets OHSU retain operations, management and means of productivity

  5. Drug & Alcohol Use – Yields to OHSU policy but allows us to bargain midterm if there are any changes.

The language in these articles do not deviate too much from corresponding language in the recent grad contract; they are, however, important for setting the tone of the contract and ensuring smooth operations of our union. We are eagerly awaiting OHSU’s response to our Recognition, Strikes & Lockouts, Modified Operations, and Performance Expectations. Our intention with these articles is to provide current and future Postdocs with clearly defined expectations, a strong voice, and protections for the life of this contract. We are also taking more time to expand OHSU’s DEI (Non-discrimination) proposal. This language came straight from grad contract (Appendix A). Our BTeam wants to expand this article to include clear definitions, reporting mechanisms, and protections for postdocs.
“I wasn’t sure what to expect going in, but it was fairly straightforward once I got there. I was a silent observer during active bargaining and thought our team did a great job this week going against OHSU management! I was able to participate in discussions we broke for caucus. The overall atmosphere was light and respectful from both sides, and I’m glad I attended.” -Rachel Lacoursiere, Postdoc and MAT organizer

We certainly have covered a lot of ground so far and OHSU management has made a great effort to collaborate on language they’ve agreed to for other union contracts at OHSU. We are looking forward to the next bargaining meeting scheduled for Tuesday, October 10. As we move to potentially more contentious proposals we must keep in mind that OHSU has no problem giving unscrupulous amounts of money to their executives – Willamette Weekly reported $12.5 million in bonuses were given to OHSU administration. Will they value us the same way? Come find out by attending a bargaining meeting! Postdocs are welcome to attend the bargaining session in person or virtually via Webex- let us know 24 hours in advance

We strongly encourage attendance in person! Let’s show management that all Postdocs stand with our BTeam! For any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out to Rachel or another MAT team member! The PWU bargaining team is committed to reaching the best possible contract for all OHSU Postdocs.