Highlights: Rally for Research

Postdoc Rally for Research

OHSU called for mediation with an insulting ZERO COST economic offer and NO improvements to our benefits or leave time. Postdocs are the backbone of OHSU's research mission and are largely self-funded, meaning OHSU pays ZERO DOLLARS for postdoc labor. OHSU not only fails to compensate postdocs fairly, but also siphons off more than half of the research dollars they generate. Current PWU proposals barely dent OHSU’s billion-dollar budget, costing a mere 0.1% and only 1% of the research budget OHSU researchers including postdocs bring in. PWU and the rally announcement was featured in the Portland Business Journal. Hundreds came to the event with a marked show of solidarity among researchers, union staff, nurses, advanced practice providers, and labor community members like the DSA and Jobs with Justice.  You can also listen to an interview of Postdoc, Lucie Darmusey, and speakers on Kaboo hosted by long-time activist, Jamie Partridge. Check out the highlights below!

Hundreds gather in solidarity

Rally speakers call for action!

Special guest from AFL-CIO and IUOE, Scabby!